Archive | December, 2013

My Science Fair Project

12 Dec

My blogger friends, I need your help!  I’m doing a science fair project that involves a survey.  I want to get 1,000 people to take my survey by I only have 433 right now.  Can you please take my survey and share it with all of your friends?  You can put it on facebook, instagram, twitter, whatever you use.  The URL is

Thanks!!!  I cannot tell you what the project is about right now, but I’ll blog about it later.

I Beat it!!!

4 Dec

I beat it!!!  “What did she beat?” you may be asking yourself.  Remember when I blogged about the “Awesome Text Adventure Game” in the Pi Store called “The Abandoned Farmhouse Adventure” here?  I completed the game!  I saved my grandson!  OK, I don’t have a grandson, but that’s the point of the game, to save your imaginary grandson Matthew.

After long, difficult hours of exploring the woods, the house, and the farm, I was on the brink of giving up.  I couldn’t figure out how to kill the rats in the tunnel before they killed me.  I also died of thirst several times before I found a source of water.  So, I decided to stop picking things up and just explore and draw a map of all of the moves that I made.  The map helped sooooo much as I learned more and more about the strategy and had to start over again and again (don’t tell my mom that it was way past my bedtime).  I would highly recommend that you draw a map too (or scroll down and see the one that I made).  Once I knew where everything is, I started to figure out which items I needed to pick up and which items I’d just leave alone.  Every time I got a little farther, it would help me figure out which items are important.  Then I could use the map to easily go back and get them or start over and get back to this spot quickly.

When I finally saved Matthew, I literally screamed with joy!  Then, I went back and saved him a couple of more times while I wrote down step-by-step directions for how I did it.  I don’t want to ruin the adventure for you, so if you scroll down a little bit, I’ll give you some hints and the map that I used.  Or, if you get really frustrated, scroll down even farther to get the step-by-step directions.

Have a great adventure!!!


You’re going to need a weapon, something to pick up water, a way to open the door, a food source and a way to get the boy out of the tree.

You don’t need the flashlight.

There’s no need to go in the garage.

You don’t have to kill the rats, I tried for hours.

You can only hold a few things, so after you use something, drop it so you can pick up something else.

To go a direction, you don’ have to type “go north,” you can just type “n” and it does the same thing.  You can type n, e, s, w, u, d for go north, east, south, west, up, or down.

If you don’t know what a cistern is, look it up.



Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!!

Take key

Go North

Take bottle

go north

go north

go up

take pitchfork






take candybar

use candybar

drop candybar





take toy car









use bottle


use key






use pitchfork

use toy car

That’s it!  You saved the boy!